
Zaterdag samen met model Lana en Lex Hulscher , weer enkele “wet plates” gemaakt. Was weer een leuke middag met goede resultaten!
Model: Lana
Wet Plate: Tom Oosthout
Wet plate collodion photo on glass, 17,8 x 23,5 cm (2mm),
Lens: Leitz Epis 4,0/400
Exposure 9 seconds @ f 4,0


Wet Plate Photo: Tom Oosthout
Wet plate collodion photo on glass, 17,8 x 23,5 cm (2mm),
Lens: Leitz Epis 4,0/400
Exposure 9 seconds @ f 4,0

MileyL Vanessa Lattki

Shooting wet plates at the Viller Mühle with my 30x30cm wet plate camera (build by Toon Smits) and the Haruhisa Terasaki dry plate digital hybrid camera. With help from Herman Peters and Model MileyL Vanessa Lattki. Due to the high temperature (30+ C degrees) I had to move the wet plate from and to my darkroom in my air conditioned car


“Come fly with me”
Model: MileyL Vanessa Lattki
Location: Viller Mühle
Wet Plate Photo: Tom Oosthout

Wet plate collodion photo on glass, 17,8 x 23,5 cm (2mm),
Lens: Leitz Epis 4,0/400
Exposure 0,3 seconds @ f 4,0

Model: MileyL Vanessa Lattki
Location: Viller Mühle
Wet Plate Photo: Tom Oosthout

Wet plate collodion photo on glass, 17,8 x 23,5 cm (2mm),
Lens: Leitz Epis 4,0/400
Exposure 0,3 seconds @ f 4,0

“Water  Nymph”

Model: MileyL Vanessa Lattki
Location: Viller Mühle
Wet Plate Photo: Tom Oosthout

Wet plate collodion photo on glass, 17,8 x 23,5 cm (2mm),
Lens: Leitz Epis 4,0/400
Exposure 0,3 seconds @ f 4,0


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